15th meeting of the EUFORGEN Steering Committee

15th EUFORGEN Steering Committee meeting

Virtual meeting - back-to-back with the GenRes Bridge Feedback Workshop

23-25 November 2020

The 15th Steering Committee meeting was held through videoconference in the mornings of 23-25 November 2020, back-to-back with the GenRes Bridge Feedback Workshop that followed on 25 and 26 November 2020. 

In addition to the discussions about the EUFORGEN workplan, there a session iook place in the afternoon of Monday 23 November to present the European Genetic Resources Strategy. On Tuesday afternoon, 24 November, there was a joint session with the Steering Committees of ECPGR and ERFP to exchange views on the strategy. 

<br><br>Webinars in preparation for the meeting

Sandra Goritschnig, (Alliance Bioversity-CIAT) , ‘Genetic Resources – a new journal serving all GR sectors’

Colin Kelleher (National Botanic Gardens, Ireland), GeneNet Project – Improving the genetic conservation network for Ireland.


Ivan Scotti (INRAE, France), “FORGENIUS project - a new H2020-funded project to expand, improve, organise knowledge of forest diversity and resilience"


<br><br>European Genetic Resources Strategy

Webinar: Nigel Maxted (University of Birmingham), '"Securing genetic resources in Europe – Development of the European Genetic Resources Strategy"
slides of the presention

European Genetic Resources Strategy draft version 3.1

<br><br>European <b>Forest </b>Genetic Resources Strategy

  • Draft Zero European Forest Genetic Resources Strategy

Complementary issues related to the FGR strategy

  • European forests: "an ecological overview" D. de Rigo, T. Houston Durrant, G. Caudullo, J.I. Barredo. European Atlas of Forest Tree Species [PDF]

Presentations given during the meeting

The presentations given during the meeting are listed in the table below. Click on the title of the presentation to display the relevant presentation.
Disclaimer: These texts and presentations have not been edited and are being published as originally received from the authors.

EUFORGEN Technical Report 2019 M. Bozzano
EUFORGEN Communications 2019 and 2020 E. Hermanowicz
Update on EUFORGEN's activities during 2020 M. Bozzano
GenRes Bridge Project - updates M. Bozzano
FORGENIUS Project I. Scotti
EU Rural developments funds for co-funding of FGR activities 2021-2027 F. Pérez Martín, Spain
European Genetic Resources Strategy N. Maxted/S. Kell
European Forest Genetic Resources Strategy A.M. Farsakoglou