Prunus padus
Bird cherry

Bird cherry (Prunus padus) is a small, short-lived deciduous tree. It is the Prunus species with the widest distribution range, native to Europe and northern Asia. It typically grows in moist, fertile soils along riverbanks, in wet woodlands, river valleys, and in shaded areas, reaching heights of 8–16 m. The bird cherry is hardy and can grow under harsh winter conditions and hot summers and is tolerant to a wide variety of soils. It has strong regeneration and even invasive tendencies in some regions. It can reach into the steppe zone in the south, to the forest tundra zone in the north, and higher altitudes than other deciduous tree species (up to 2 000 m) (Volkova, Burlakov, and Schanzer, 2020).

Bird cherry plays a vital role by providing early nectar for pollinators and food for birds and small mammals. The species is valued ornamentally for its characteristic fragrant white flowers in spring and small, bitter, black berries in late summer, and is often planted in gardens and parks. Its berries are used in jams, as a flavour in alcoholic beverages, and in traditional medicine for their astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. The wood is of low commercial interest but is sometimes used in small woodworking projects, such as furniture-making.

in situ genetic conservation unit
ex situ genetic conservation unit
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This distribution map has been developed by the European Commission Joint Research Centre (partly based on the EUFORGEN map) and released under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0)

Caudullo, G., Welk, E., San-Miguel-Ayanz, J., 2017. Chorological maps for the main European woody species. Data in Brief 12, 662-666. DOI:

The following experts have contributed to the development of the EUFORGEN distribution maps:

Fazia Krouchi (Algeria), Hasmik Ghalachyan (Armenia), Thomas Geburek (Austria), Berthold Heinze (Austria), Rudi Litschauer (Austria), Rudolf Litschauer (Austria), Michael Mengl (Austria), Ferdinand Müller (Austria), Franz Starlinger (Austria), Valida Ali-zade (Azerbaijan), Vahid Djalal Hajiyev (Azerbaijan), Karen Cox (Belgium), Bart De Cuyper (Belgium), Olivier Desteucq (Belgium), Patrick Mertens (Belgium), Jos Van Slycken (Belgium), An Vanden Broeck (Belgium), Kristine Vander Mijnsbrugge (Belgium), Dalibor Ballian (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Alexander H. Alexandrov (Bulgaria), Alexander Delkov (Bulgaria), Ivanova Denitsa Pandeva (Bulgaria), Peter Zhelev Stoyanov (Bulgaria), Joso Gracan (Croatia), Marilena Idzojtic (Croatia), Mladen Ivankovic (Croatia), Željka Ivanović (Croatia), Davorin Kajba (Croatia), Hrvoje Marjanovic (Croatia), Sanja Peric (Croatia), Andreas Christou (Cyprus), Xenophon Hadjikyriacou (Cyprus), Václav Buriánek (Czech Republic), Jan Chládek (Czech Republic), Josef Frýdl (Czech Republic), Petr Novotný (Czech Republic), Martin Slovacek (Czech Republic), Zdenek Špišek (Czech Republic), Karel Vancura (Czech Republic), Ulrik Bräuner (Denmark), Bjerne Ditlevsen (Denmark), Jon Kehlet Hansen (Denmark), Jan Svejgaard Jensen (Denmark), Kalev Jðgiste (Estonia), Tiit Maaten (Estonia), Raul Pihu (Estonia), Ülo Tamm (Estonia), Arvo Tullus (Estonia), Aivo Vares (Estonia), Teijo Nikkanen (Finland), Sanna Paanukoski (Finland), Mari Rusanen (Finland), Pekka Vakkari (Finland), Leena Yrjänä (Finland), Daniel Cambon (France), Eric Collin (France), Alexis Ducousso (France), Bruno Fady (France), François Lefèvre (France), Brigitte Musch (France), Sylvie Oddou-Muratorio (France), Luc E. Pâques (France), Julien Saudubray (France), Marc Villar (France), Vlatko Andonovski (FYR Macedonia), Dragi Pop-Stojanov (FYR Macedonia), Merab Machavariani (Georgia), Irina Tvauri (Georgia), Alexander Urushadze (Georgia), Bernd Degen (Germany), Jochen Kleinschmit (Germany), Armin König (Germany), Armin König (Germany), Volker Schneck (Germany), Richard Stephan (Germany), H. H. Kausch-Blecken Von Schmeling (Germany), Georg von Wühlisch (Germany), Iris Wagner (Germany), Heino Wolf (Germany), Paraskevi Alizoti (Greece), Filippos Aravanopoulos (Greece), Andreas Drouzas (Greece), Despina Paitaridou (Greece), Aristotelis C. 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Pridnya (Russian Federation), Andrey Prokazin (Russian Federation), Srdjan Bojovic (Serbia) , Vasilije Isajev (Serbia), Saša Orlovic (Serbia), Rudolf Bruchánik (Slovakia), Roman Longauer (Slovakia), Ladislav Paule (Slovakia), Gregor Bozič (Slovenia), Robert Brus (Slovenia), Katarina Celič (Slovenia), Hojka Kraigher (Slovenia), Andrej Verlič (Slovenia), Marjana Westergren (Slovenia), Ricardo Alía (Spain), Josefa Fernández-López (Spain), Luis Gil Sanchez (Spain), Pablo Gonzalez Goicoechea (Spain), Santiago C. González-Martínez (Spain), Sonia Martin Albertos (Spain), Eduardo Notivol Paino (Spain), María Arantxa Prada (Spain), Alvaro Soto de Viana (Spain), Lennart Ackzell (Sweden), Jonas Bergquist (Sweden), Sanna Black-Samuelsson (Sweden), Jonas Cedergren (Sweden), Gösta Eriksson (Sweden), Markus Bolliger (Switzerland), Felix Gugerli (Switzerland), Rolf Holderegger (Switzerland), Peter Rotach (Switzerland), Marcus Ulber (Switzerland), Sven M.G. de Vries (The Netherlands), Khouja Mohamed Larbi (Tunisia), Murat Alan (Turkey), Gaye Kandemir (Turkey), Gursel Karagöz (Turkey), Zeki Kaya (Turkey), Hasan Özer (Turkey), Hacer Semerci (Turkey), Ferit Toplu (Turkey), Mykola M. Vedmid (Ukraine), Roman T. Volosyanchuk (Ukraine), Stuart A'Hara (United Kingdom), Joan Cottrell (United Kingdom), Colin Edwards (United Kingdom), Michael Frankis (United Kingdom), Jason Hubert (United Kingdom), Karen Russell (United Kingdom), C.J.A. Samuel (United Kingdom).

Status of Prunus padus conservation in Europe

Genetic diversity and variation

Bird cherry shows high within-population variation and differentiation in genetic traits related to morphological characteristics such as leaf-bud burst and flower opening times (Baliuckas et al., 2005; Vander Mijnsbrugge and Moreels, 2020). The variation in these traits is surprisingly high for a species with such a scattered distribution (Baliuckas et al., 2005). This variation in traits reflects local adaptation of populations, although flowering time was less sensitive to environmental variation than leaf-bud break (Vander Mijnsbrugge and Moreels, 2020).

Genetic distribution and clustering

Some spatial genetic structuring was found in bird cherry, at levels higher than the closely related sour cherry (Prunus cerasus), suggesting that bird cherry has smaller effective population sizes and/or gene flow is more limited (Nagamitsu et al., 2019). Bird cherry is also closely related to mahaleb cherry (Prunus mahaleb) and is expected to have similar genetic structuring and seed dispersal patterns (Nagamitsu et al., 2019).

Gene flow

Bird cherry has a wide and scattered distribution. It is an outcrossing species but has efficient vegetative regeneration and effective gene flow through insect pollination and seed dispersal by birds and mammals (Baliuckas et al., 2005). Effective and easy vegetative propagation through cuttings means bird cherry can be easily cultivated (Vander Mijnsbrugge and Moreels, 2020). Large within-population variation in bird cherry suggests that gene flow has remained high even between scattered populations (Baliuckas et al., 2005). Bird cherry populations at high altitudes have a higher rate of self-pollination due to fewer pollinators being present and because trees that are growing poorly are less able to attract available pollinators (Baliuckas et al., 2005).


The bibliographic review was conducted by James Chaplin of the EUFORGEN Secretariat in August 2024.

Interspecific taxa dynamics

Bird cherry has high geographical variation of morphological characteristics, with some research splitting the species into several subspecies or separate species entirely. However, the genetic distinctiveness of these has never been tested (Volkova, Burlakov, and Schanzer, 2020). Bird cherry is genetically distinguished from black cherry (Prunus serotina) and bitter berry (Prunus virginiana), but research has been unable to genetically differentiate Hokkaido bird cherry (Prunus ssiori) from bird cherry, suggesting that Hokkaido bird cherry is a relict population of bird cherry that persisted during glacial periods in refugia in the Far East (Volkova, Burlakov, and Schanzer, 2020).

Glacial biogeography evolution

The current genetic structure of bird cherry in Eurasia has been heavily influenced by multiple cycles of isolation during glacial periods and subsequent postglacial colonization (Volkova, Burlakov, and Schanzer, 2020). Fossil records suggest bird cherry was widespread in Eurasia at the start of the Pliocene and may have persisted in partially glaciated and periglacial areas of Siberia, in microrefugia, and in isolated populations in forest patches and valleys of large rivers during glacial periods due to its cold tolerance (Volkova, Burlakov, and Schanzer, 2020). High genetic diversity in small populations in the Caucuses and Colchis region may be because glacial refugia survived in these areas (Volkova, Burlakov, and Schanzer, 2020).


The bibliographic review was conducted by James Chaplin of the EUFORGEN Secretariat in August 2024.

No available information.


The bibliographic review was conducted by James Chaplin of the EUFORGEN Secretariat in August 2024.

Genetic Characterisation of Prunus padus and its GCUs

Availability of FRM


Contacts of experts


Further reading

Ahn, J.Y., Lee, J.W., Lim, H.I., and Hong, K.N. 2020. Genetic diversity and structure of Prunus padus populations in South Korea based on AFLP markers. Forest Science and Technology, 16(4): 171–179.

Nestby, R.D. 2020. The status of Prunus padus L. (bird cherry) in forest communities throughout Europe and Asia. Forests, 11(5): 497.


Baliuckas, V., Lagerström, T., Norell, L., and Eriksson, G. 2005. Genetic variation among and within populations in Swedish species of Sorbus aucuparia L. and Prunus padus L. assessed in a nursery trial. Silvae Genetica, 54(1–6): 1–8.

Nagamitsu, T., Shuri, K., Kikuchi, S., Koike, S., Naoe, S., and Masaki, T. 2019. Multiscale spatial genetic structure within and between populations of wild cherry trees in nuclear genotypes and chloroplast haplotypes. Ecology and Evolution, 9(19): 11266–11276.

Vander Mijnsbrugge, K. and Moreels, S. 2020. Varying levels of genetic control and phenotypic plasticity in timing of bud burst, flower opening, leaf senescence and leaf fall in two common gardens of Prunus padus L. Forests, 11(10): 1070.

Volkova, P.A., Burlakov, Y.A., and Schanzer, I.A. 2020. Genetic variability of Prunus padus (Rosaceae) elaborates “a new Eurasian phylogeographical paradigm”. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 306: 1.

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