
Scots pine stand of the Forest Research Institute's Korenevskaya Forest Reseach Enterprise near the Homel city, South-East part of Belarus. Credit: O.Baranov

Focal point

Oleg Baranov
Forest Institute of National Academy of Science of Belarus
Proletarskaya street 71
246001 Homel, Belarus

Quick Info

Member in 2000-2004

in situ genetic conservation unit
ex situ genetic conservation unit
Map Elements

Focal point

Oleg Baranov
Forest Institute of National Academy of Science of Belarus

The European Information System on Forest Genetic Resources (EUFGIS) provides geo-referenced and harmonized data on genetic conservation units of forest trees in Europe.

Management of forest genetic resources in Belarus

In 2015, Belarus adopted ‘The Strategic Plan for the Development of Forestry in the Republic of Belarus until 2030», which includes a programme of conservation of forest genetic resources and development of seed breeding.

The main objectives of the plan are to use of forest lands sustainably, optimize the formation and age structure of forests, increase their productivity, sustainability and quality; preserve and restore biodiversity, and improve the ecological situation (including conservation, enhancement and the sustainable utilization and evaluation of forest genetic resources).

On the basis of the novel approaches proposed in the programme, it is possible to control the genetic structure of the forest stands and their seed progeny, bringing them closer to the optimal genetic and breedings parameters.

This task corresponds to one of the principles of forest certification: maintenance of intraspecific biodiversity of the main forest-forming species at the natural population-genetic level.


Further information

Forestry Ministry of the Republic of Belarus

Forest Research Institute of the NAS of Belarus (publications about scientific research of genetic resources (English/Russian)