Other relevant initiatives

This page contains links to projects, institutions, project, programmes, agreements, databases and tools that is related to the work of EUFORGEN.

Other Forest Genetic Ressources Networks


Asia Pacific Forest Genetic Resource Programme (APFORGEN) works to enhance the conservation and sustainable use of tree species and their genetic diversity in Asia and the Pacific

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LAFORGEN (Latin America)

Latin America Forest Genetic Resources Network (LAFORGEN) contributes to developing effective mechanisms for the conservation and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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Sub-Saharan Africa Forest Genetic Resource Programme (SAFORGEN) works to enhance the conservation and sustainable use of tree species and their genetic diversity in sub-Saharan Africa.

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Intergovernmental partners

Forest Europe

Forest Europe is the pan-European voluntary high-level political process for dialogue and cooperation on forest policies in Europe.

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The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) activities on forest genetic resources (FGR) increase and improve provision of goods and services from agriculture, forestry and fisheries in a sustainable manner.

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FAO Silva Mediterranea

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) commission on Mediterranean forest management

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The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) works on the conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of the components of biological diversity and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources.

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European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC)

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is the European Commission's science and knowledge service which employs scientists to carry out research in order to provide independent scientific advice and support to EU policy.

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European Forest Institute (EFI)

European Forest Institute (EFI) and its network provide collective science-based insights at European and regional level to support informed policy making. EFI hosts the Secretariat of EUFORGEN.

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International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) is a global network for forest science cooperation.

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The United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) is an intergovernmental body to strengthen political commitment and action.

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Pan-European 2020 Strategy for Biodiversity

This strategy focuses efforts to prevent further loss of biodiversity in the pan-European region.

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Planta Europa

Planta Europa is the network of independent persons and organisations, non-governmental and governmental, working together to conserve European wild plants and fungi.

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North American Forest Commission (NAFC)

NAFC carries out research and natural resource management activities by exploring forest related issues of concern to Mexico, Canada and United Stations.

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EUFGIS (since 2007)

European Information System on Forest Genetic Resources (EUFGIS) provides geo-referenced information on the conservation of forest genetic resources in Europe and access to detailed data on genetic conservation units of forest trees.

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COST Action 52 (2006-2010)

The COST Action 52 was an evaluation of beech genetic resources for sustainable forestry. The main objective of this COST Action was to make predictions of the future distribution range of beech forest ecosystems under the assumption of certain scenarios of climate change.

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EVOLTREE (since 2006)

Evolution of Trees as Drivers of Terrestrial Biodiversity (EVOLTREE) aims to link four major disciplines (Ecology, Genetics, Genomics and Evolution) to address global issues that European forests are currently facing as environmental changes, erosion of biodiversity.

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FORESTTRAC (2010-2012)

The Forest Ecosystem Genomics Research: Supporting Transatlantic Cooperation's (FORESTTRAC) main aim was to prepare coordinated research plans via a strategic research roadmap, between Europe and North America regarding adaptation of forest trees to climate changes.

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FORGER (2012-2016)

The FORGER project aimed at integrating and extending existing knowledge to provide science-based recommendations on the management and sustainable use of FGR for EU policy-makers, national stakeholders, forest managers, and managers of natural areas. 

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GenTree (2016-2020)

The goal is to provide the European forestry sector with better knowledge, methods and tools for optimising the management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources (FGR) in Europe.

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LIFEGENMON (2014 - 2020)

The project will provide guidelines for forest genetic monitoring, a manual and a decision support system for decision makers on establishing the forest genetic monitoring system and documents for possible future legislative developments.

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TREEBREEDEX (2006-2010)

The main aim of the European Forest Tree Breeding Infrastructure (TREEBREEDEX) was to develop at the European level a scientific and technical research framework in forest genetics and tree breeding.

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Trees4Future (2011-2016)

Trees4Future is an Integrative European Research Infrastructure project that aims to integrate, develop and improve major forest genetics and forestry research infrastructures.

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