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european forest genetic
resources programme
About us
Policy briefs
How we operate
Member countries
Forest genetic resources
Why do they matter?
Climate change
Forest management
EUFGIS information system
Forest Reproductive Material
Publications catalogue
Abies alba
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for silver fir
Abies spp
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for Mediterranean firs
Acer campestre
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for field maple
Acer pseudoplatanus
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for sycamore
Alnus cordata
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for Italian alder
Alnus glutinosa
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for black alder
Betula pendula
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for silver birch
Castanea sativa
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for chestnut
Fagus orientalis
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for oriental beech
Fagus sylvatica
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for European beech
Fraxinus excelsior
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for common ash
In situ
conservation of
Populus nigra
Larix decidua
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for European larch
Liquidambar orientalis
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for oriental sweet gum
Malus sylvestris
Pyrus pyraster
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for wild apple and pear
Picea abies
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for Norway spruce
Pinus cembra
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for Swiss stone pine
Pinus halepensis
Pinus brutia
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for Aleppo and Brutia pine
Pinus heldreichii
Pinus leucodermis
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for Bosnian pine
Pinus mugo
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use of mountain pine
Pinus nigra
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for European black pine
Pinus peuce
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for Macedonian pine
Pinus pinaster
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for maritime pine
Pinus pinea
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for Italian stone pine
Pinus sylvestris
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for Scots pine
Populus alba
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use of white poplar
Populus nigra
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for black poplar
Populus tremula
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for Eurasian aspen
Prunus avium
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for wild cherry
Quercus cerris
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation of Turkey oak
Quercus frainetto
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation of Hungarian oak
Quercus ilex
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation of Holm oak
Quercus pubescens
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation of Pubescent oak
Quercus robur
Quercus petraea
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for pedunculate and sessile oaks
Quercus suber
- Recent genetic research
Quercus suber
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for cork oak
Sorbus domestica
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for service tree
Sorbus torminalis
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for wild service tree
Tilia cordata
Tilia platyphyllos
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for lime
Ulmus laevis
- Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for European white elm
Abetos mediterraneos (
Abies spp.
) Spanish version
Approaches to the conservation of forest genetic resources in Europe in the context of climate change
Arce (
Acer campestre
) Spanish version
Arce blanco, pseudo platano (
Acer pseudoplatano
) Spanish version
Buk zwyczajny (
Fagus sylvatica
) (Polish version)
Cerezo silvestre (
Prunus avium
) Spanish version
Climate change and forest genetic diversity
Conifers Network: Report of the fifth meeting
Conifers Network: Report of the first meeting
Conifers Network: Report of the fourth meeting
Conifers Network: Report of the second and third meeting
Conifers Network: Report of the sixth meeting
Conifers Network: Summary of the seventh meeting
Decision support tool for the management of dynamic genetic conservation units
Dynamic conservation and utilization of forest tree genetic resources: indicators for
in situ
ex situ
genetic conservation and forest reproductive material
EUFGIS leaflet
EUFGIS poster
EUFORGEN leaflet
EUFORGEN leaflet
EUFORGEN Newsletter - April 2023
EUFORGEN Newsletter - December 2022
EUFORGEN Newsletter - December 2023
EUFORGEN Newsletter - January 2021
EUFORGEN Newsletter - July 2020
EUFORGEN Newsletter - June 2023
EUFORGEN Newsletter - June 2024
EUFORGEN Newsletter - March 2025
EUFORGEN Newsletter - May 2021
EUFORGEN Newsletter - November 2021
EUFORGEN Newsletter - October 2020
EUFORGEN Newsletter - October 2024
EUFORGEN Newsletter April 2022
EUFORGEN Newsletter. December 2014.
EUFORGEN Newsletter. December 2015.
EUFORGEN Newsletter. December 2016.
EUFORGEN Newsletter. December 2018.
EUFORGEN Newsletter. December 2019
EUFORGEN Newsletter. January 2018.
EUFORGEN Newsletter. July 2017.
EUFORGEN Newsletter. July 2018.
EUFORGEN Newsletter. July 2019
EUFORGEN Newsletter. June 2016.
EUFORGEN Newsletter. March 2016.
EUFORGEN Newsletter. March 2017.
EUFORGEN Newsletter. March 2019.
EUFORGEN Newsletter. March 2020
EUFORGEN Newsletter. May 2018.
EUFORGEN Newsletter. October 2014.
EUFORGEN Newsletter. October 2016.
EUFORGEN Newsletter. October 2017.
EUFORGEN Newsletter. October 2018.
EUFORGEN Newsletter. October 2019
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report of the Eighteenth meeting
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report of the eleventh meeting
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report of the Extraordinary meeting 2021
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report of the Fifteenth meeting
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report of the first meeting
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report of the fourteenth meeting
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report of the fourth meeting
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report of the Nineteenth meeting
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report of the ninth meeting
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report of the second meeting - International collaboration on forest genetic resources: The role of Europe
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report of the Seventeenth meeting
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report of the seventh meeting
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report of the Sixteenth meeting
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report of the tenth meeting
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report of the thirteenth meeting
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report of the twelfth meeting
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report of the Twentieth meeting
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report of the Twentiethfirst meeting
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report on the eighth meeting
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report on the fifth meeting
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report on the sixth meeting
EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Summary of the third meeting
EUFORGEN/EUFGIS Training Workshop on FGR Inventories and GenTree Consultation on the status of conservation of FGR
EUFORGEN/FORGER Training Workshop on forest genetic resources Inventories and Databases
External evaluation of the European Forest Genetic Resources Programme - Policy brief
External evaluation of the European Forest Genetic Resources Programme - Summary
FGRSE leaflet
First meeting of the working group on a decision support tool for the management of the genetic conservation units network
First meeting of the working group on forest reproductive material guidelines
Forest Genetic Resources Strategy for Europe
Forest Management Network: Summary of the first meeting
Forest Management Network: Summary of the fourth meeting
Forest Management Network: Summary of the second meeting
Forest Management Network: Summary of the third meeting
Fresno comun (
Fraxinus excelsior
) Spanish version
GCU leaflet
Genetic aspects linked to production and use of forest reproductive material (FRM)
Genetic conservation and management of
Quercus suber
Genetic conservation of black and white poplars
Genetic conservation of European elms
Genetic conservation of noble hardwoods
Genetic conservation of wild apple and wild pear
Genetic monitoring methods for genetic conservation units of forest trees in Europe
Haya europea (
Fagus sylvatica
) Spanish version
Identification sheet for black poplar
International collaboration on forest genetic resources: the role of Europe
Jesion wyniosły (
Fraxinus excelsior
) (Polish version)
Mediterranean Oaks Network: Report of the first meeting
Mediterranean Oaks Network: Report of the second meeting
Mediterranean Oaks Network: Summary of third meeting
Noble Hardwood Network: Report on the fourth and fifth meeting
Noble Hardwoods Network: Report of the first meeting
Noble Hardwoods Network: Report of the second meeting
Noble Hardwoods Network: Report of the sixth and seventh meeting
Noble Hardwoods Network: Report of the third meeting
Olmo blanco (
Ulmus laevis
) Spanish version
Pan-European minimum requirements for dynamic genetic conservation units of forest trees
Pan-European strategy for genetic conservation of forest trees - Leaflet
Pan-European strategy for genetic conservation of forest trees and establishment of a core network of dynamic conservation units
Picea abies Network: Report of the first meeting
Picea abies Network: Report of the second meeting
Pino albar o silvestre (
Pinus sylvestris
) Spanish version
Pino negral (
Pinus pinaster
) Spanish veresion
Populus nigra Network: Report of the fifth meeting
Populus nigra Network: Report of the first meeting
Populus nigra Network: Report of the fourth meeting
Populus nigra Network: Report of the second meeting
Populus nigra Network: Report of the seventh and eighth meeting
Populus nigra Network: Report of the sixth meeting
Populus nigra Network: Report of the third meeting
Populus nigra Network: Summary of the ninth meeting
Quercus suber Network: Report of the first and second meeting
Quercus suber Network: Report of the third and fourth meetings
Quercus suber Network: Summary of the fifth meeting
Scattered Broadleaves Network: Summary of the first meeting
Scattered Broadleaves Network: Summary of the second meeting
Scattered Broadleaves Network: Summary of the third meeting
Second meeting of the EUFORGEN working group on forest reproductive material guidelines
Social Broadleaves Network: Report of the fifth meeting (Temperate Oaks and Beech network)
Social Broadleaves Network: Report of the first meeting
Social Broadleaves Network: Report of the fourth meeting
Social Broadleaves Network: Report of the second meeting
Social Broadleaves Network: Report of the third meeting
Stand-forming Broadleaves Network: Summary of the first meeting
Stand-forming Broadleaves Network: Summary of the second meeting
Technical and Financial report 2019
Technical guidelines for genetic conservation of Norway spruce
Technical report 2000-2004
Technical report 2005-2006
Technical report 2007-2008
Technical report 2009
Technical report 2010
Technical report 2011
Technical report 2012
Technical report 2013
Technical report 2014
Technical report 2015-2016
Technical report 2017
Technical report 2018
Technical report 2020-2021
Technical report 2022
Technical report 2023
The implications of global, European and national policies for the conservation and use of forest genetic resources in Europe
Use and transfer of forest reproductive material in Europe in the context of climate change
Working group on forest reproductive material: Summary of the first meeting
Working group on forest reproductive material: Summary of the second meeting
Working group on genetic conservation strategies: Summary of the first meeting
Working group on genetic conservation strategies: Summary of the second meeting
Working group on genetic monitoring: Summary of the first meeting
Working group on genetic monitoring: Summary of the second meeting
Workshop: Conservation and monitoring of forest genetic resources
Workshop: Documentation of forest genetic resources
Workshop: European Genetic Resources
Workshop: Sustainable Forest Genetic Resources Programmes in the Newly Independent States of the Former USSR
Workshop: Sustainable Forest Genetic Resources Programmes in the Newly Independent States of the Former USSR (Russian version)
Abies alba
Abies borisii-regis
Abies bornmuelleriana
Abies cephalonica
Abies cilicica
Abies equi-trojani
Abies grandis
Abies marocana
Abies nebrodensis
Abies nordmanniana
Abies numidica
Abies pinsapo
Acer campestre
Acer monspessulanum
Acer platanoides
Acer pseudoplatanus
Alnus cordata
Alnus glutinosa
Betula pendula
Betula pubescens
Carpinus betulus
Castanea sativa
Cedrus libani
Cupressus sempervirens
Fagus orientalis
Fagus sylvatica
Fagus taurica
Fraxinus angustifolia
Fraxinus excelsior
Fraxinus ornus
Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Juglans nigra
Juglans regia
Juniperus communis
Juniperus excelsa
Juniperus foetidissima
Juniperus oxycedrus
Larix decidua
Liquidambar orientalis
Malus sylvestris
Picea abies
Picea omorika
Picea sitchensis
Pinus brutia
Pinus cembra
Pinus contorta
Pinus halepensis
Pinus heldreichii
Pinus mugo
Pinus nigra
Pinus peuce
Pinus pinaster
Pinus pinea
Pinus sylvestris
Populus alba
Populus nigra
Populus tremula
Prunus avium
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Pyrus pyraster
Quercus cerris
Quercus frainetto
Quercus ilex
Quercus palustris
Quercus pedunculiflora
Quercus petraea
Quercus pubescens
Quercus robur
Quercus rubra
Quercus suber
Quercus trojana
Quercus virgiliana
Quercus vulcanica
Sorbus aucuparia
Sorbus domestica
Sorbus intermedia
Sorbus torminalis
Taxus baccata
Tilia cordata
Tilia platyphyllos
Tilia tomentosa
Ulmus glabra
Ulmus laevis
Ulmus minor
Ulmus pumila
Publication Types
Leaflets & posters
Technical bulletins
Technical guidelines
Technical reports
Thematic publications
Alain Servais
Alexander Buck
Alexander H. Alexandrov
Alexis Ducousso
Alfas Pliûra
Aline Frank
Alvaro Soto de Viana
An Vanden Broeck
Ana Jurše
Andrea Tani
Andreas Rudow
Andrej Pilipović
Ani Zavrl Bogataj
Anna-Maria Farsakoglou
Antoine Kremer
Bartolomeo Schirone
Bela Toth
Berthold Heinze
Bo Jellesmark Thorsen
Brigitte Demesure-Musch
Bruno Fady
Brynjar Skúlason
Burcu Cengel
Christel Palmberg-Lerche
Christian Hansen
Christiane Düring
Christoph Sperisen
Claes Uggla
Colin Kelleher
Csaba Mátyás
Czesław Kozioł
Davorin Kajba
Despina Paitaridou
Ditte Christina Olrik
Dušan Gömöry
Elinor Lipman
Elisabetta Gotor
Emilie Frison
Eric Collin
Eric Teissier du Cros
Erik Dahl Kjær
Ewa Hermanowicz
Federico Vessella
Felix Gugerli
Filippos Aravanopoulos
Folmer Bokma
François Lefèvre
Frank Wolter
Fulvio Ducci
Gaye Eren Kandemir
Georg von Wühlisch
Giovanbattista De Dato
Giovanni Giuseppe Vendramin
Gösta Eriksson
Gregor Bozič
Gunnar Friis Proschowsky
Hacer Semerci
Heike Liesebach
Heikki Granholm
Heino Wolf
Hojka Kraigher
Ion Palancean
Iris Wagner
Ivan scotti
Jan Kowalczyk
Jan Matras
Jan Svejgaard Jensen
Jarkko Koskela
Jason Hubert
Joan Cottrell
Job Van Slycken
Jochen Kleinschmit
Josef Frýdl
Josef Turok
Josefa Fernández-López
Joso Gračan
Joukje Buiteveld
Kadi Koiv
Karel Vancura
Karen Russell
Katri Himanen
Katri Kärkkäinen
Kjersti Bakkebo Fjellstad
Koen Kramer
Kristel Järve
Ladislav Paule
Lars Graudal
Lars Scheerer
László Nagy
Leena Yrjänä
Lennart Ackzell
Lorenzo Vietto
Luc Paques
Luis Gil
Luisa Cagelli
Marc Villar
Marco Cosimo Simeone
Marcus Lindner
Marcus Ulber
Mari Mette Tollefsrud
Mari Rusanen
Maria Arancha Prada
Maria Carolina Varela
Marjana Westergren
Maurizio Sabatti
Michel Arbez
Michele Bozzano
Mirko Liesebach
Mladen Ivanković
Monika Konnert
Monique Guibert
Murat Alan
Myriam Heuertz
Nadia Barsoum
Nuria Alba
Outi Savolainen
Pablo Gonzalez Goicoechea
Paraskevi Alizoti
Paraskevi Alizoti,
Patrick Bonfils
Pekka Vakkari
Peter Rotach
Peter Zhelev Stoyanov
Pierre Bouillon
Ralf Kätzel
Ricardo Alía
Richard Stephan
Roberta Proietti
Roman Longauer
Roman Michalak
Roman T. Volosyanchuk
Roselyne Lumaret
Sam C.J.A. Samuel
Sándor Bordács
Sanna Black-Samuelsson
Santiago González-Martínez
Saša Orlovic
Silvia Fineschi
Silvio Daniele Oggioni
Simone Borelli
Sonia Martin
Sonja Canger
Srdjan Stojnić
Stuart A'Hara
Stuart A’Hara
Stuart Kennedy
Sven M. G. de Vries
Sylvie Oddou-Muratorio
Tanja Pyhäjärvi
Tefide Yüksel
Thomas Geburek
Tiit Maaten
Timo Knürr
Tor Myking
Tore Skrøppa
Václav Buriánek
Vasilije Isajev
Veikko Koski
Virgilijus Baliuckas
Vlatko Andonovski
Volker Schneck
Witold Wachowiak
Zeki Kaya
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EUFORGEN Newsletter - March 2025
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EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report of the Twentiethfirst meeting
11-12 December 2024 - online
Publication Year
: 2025
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EUFORGEN Newsletter - October 2024
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EUFORGEN Steering Committee: Report of the Twentieth meeting
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EUFORGEN Newsletter - June 2024
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Publications catalogue
Thematic publications
Technical guidelines
Assessment reports
Leaflets and posters
Technical reports
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