Assessment reports

Status of forest genetic resources in Europe, mainly from Forest Europe and the European Environment Agency.

State of Europe's Forests 2015
FOREST EUROPE, 2015: FOREST EUROPE Liaison Unit Madrid, Spain [chapter "MCPFE Strasbourg Resolution 2: Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources" pp. 62-63] 

Implementation of the FOREST EUROPE commitments. National and pan-European actions 2011-2015
FOREST EUROPE, 2015: FOREST EUROPE Liaison Unit Madrid, Spain [chapter “Indicator 4.6. Genetic resources”, pp. 149–151].

State of Europe’s Forests 2011. Status and Trends in Sustainable Forest Management in Europe
FOREST EUROPE, UNECE and FAO 2011. FOREST EUROPE Liaison Unit Oslo, Norway [chapter “Indicator 4.6. Genetic resources”, pp. 81–83].

Implementation of the FOREST EUROPE Commitments. National and Pan-European Commitments 2008-2011
FOREST EUROPE Liaison Unit Oslo, Norway, 2011 [chapter “Strasbourg Resolution 2: Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources”, pp. 69-70].

European forests – ecosystem conditions and sustainable use
European Environment Agency, EEA Report No 3/2008, Copenhagen, 105 p. [chapter ‘3.8 Genetic diversity of European forests’ pp. 39-40].

The MCPFE (Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe) Report on Sustainable Forest Management in Europe.
MCPFE 2007a. State of Europe’s Forests 2007. MCPFE Liaison Unit Warsaw, UNECE and FAO, Warsaw, Poland, 247 p. [chapter ‘Indicator 4.6. Genetic resources’, pp. 59–61].

Implementation of MCPFE Commitments. National and Pan-European Activities 2003-2007
MCPFE 2007. MCPFE Liaison Unit Warsaw, Poland, 99 p. [chapter ‘S2: Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources’, pp. 70-72].

Progress towards halting the loss of biodiversity by 2010. European forests – ecosystem conditions and sustainable use
European Environment Agency, EEA Report No 5/2006, Copenhagen, 99 p. [chapter ‘3.2 Forest ecosystems’ pp. 44-56].

The MCPFE Report on Sustainable Forest Management in Europe
State of Europe’s Forests 2003. MCPFE Liaison Unit Vienna and UNECE/FAO, Vienna, Austria 114 p. [chapter ‘4.4. Genetic resources’, pp. 38].