
One of the tallest birch in Iceland, found in Iceland's only genetic conservation unit in Northern Iceland. Credit: EUFORGEN

National coordinator

Adalsteinn Sigurgeirsson
Land and Forest Iceland
Midvangi 2-4
700 Egilsstadir, Iceland

Quick Info

Letter of Agreement for Phase VII signed on 23 Mar 2025

Member in 2005-2009 and since 2016

Ex situ genetic resources conservation - Discussion platform

Brynjar Skúlason
nominated member for <i>ex situ </i>discussion platform

Icelandic Forest Service

Forest genetic resources - related policies - Discussion platform

Adalsteinn Sigurgeirsson
Land and Forest Iceland

Adaptation to climate change

Brynja Hrafnkelsdóttir

Icelandic Forest Service
Adalsteinn Sigurgeirsson
Land and Forest Iceland

Production and use of forest reproductive material

Rakel Jónsdóttir
Icelandic Forest Service
Valgerdur Jónsdóttir
Icelandic Forest Service
Adalsteinn Sigurgeirsson
Land and Forest Iceland
Brynjar Skúlason
Icelandic Forest Service

in situ genetic conservation unit
ex situ genetic conservation unit
Map Elements

Focal point

Brynja Hrafnkelsdóttir
Icelandic Forest Service

The European Information System on Forest Genetic Resources (EUFGIS) provides geo-referenced and harmonized data on genetic conservation units of forest trees in Europe.

News from the country

Regreening Iceland
Picture, in your mind’s eye, Iceland. You’re more likely to see ice and rock than green forests, and…
Evidence of adaptation after an extreme selection event

A severe insect pest epidemic may have changed the susceptibility of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)…

Adapting to climate change in Iceland

This past spring, Dr Brynjar Skúlason, project leader in the Icelandic Forest Service, spent a few…

Management of forest genetic resources in Iceland

Forestry in Iceland mostly revolves around afforestation of treeless land by planting, with a variety of goals, including timber production, erosion control, reclamation of native forest ecosystems, amenity and shelter. The main tree species planted are native Betula pubescens and Sorbus aucuparia and exotic Larix sukaczewiiPicea sitchensisPinus contorta and Populus trichocarpa. Management of genetic resources varies by species. Accelerated breeding and selection programmes are ongoing for Betula pubescensLarix sukaczewii and Populus trichocarpaPicea sitchensis seed is collected from stands of tested provenances and seed orchards of selected plus-trees have been established. Source identified material is used in propagation of Pinus contorta and Sorbus aucuparia. In addition to this, stands of native Betula pubescens with high genetic value have been identified and two of these can be considered to be gene reserves, since their management plans include provisions for genetic resource management.

Further information

Forestry in a treeless land 

Iceland Forest Service (in Icelandic)

EUFORGEN publications