Forest reproductive material tracing system based on a DNA-database of autochthonous seed orchards
The Flemish DNA-database verifies the origin of forest reproductive material using microsatellite markers, ensuring genetic quality and diversity for resilient forests. It aids seed orchard management and is publicly accessible.
The EU Forest Strategy 2030 focusses on increasing the resilience and adaptive potential of our forests. Planting the most suitable tree species and provenances, with a high genetic diversity, are key elements in achieving this goal. To ensure the origin and genetic quality of the autochthonous forest reproductive material (FRM) sold in Flanders, the Research Institute for Nature and Forests (INBO) is building a DNA-database that will be used for a genetic tracing system.
Across Europe, few countries have already made use of molecular techniques as a method to verify the origin of certified FRM. In Flanders we are adopting a unique approach by making use of a DNA-database as a tool to verify the origin of FRM. The DNA-database currently contains the genotypes of all parent trees present in the Flemish autochthonous seed orchards of eight tree and shrub species, such as large-leaved lime (Tilia platyphyllos) and rowan (Sorbus aucuparia), and will be expanded in the future. The genotypes are set up using microsatellite markers. New marker sets were developed for the species European white elm (Ulmus laevis) and European hornbeam (Carpinus betulus).
The DNA-database will primarily be used for parentage analyses to verify the origin of forest plants sold by tree nurseries. The DNA-database has, however, several other purposes. Genetically mapping the seed orchards gives insight into the present genetic diversity, and may expose the presence of hybrids or cultivars. Analyses on the Flemish autochthonous seed orchards revealed a genetic diversity comparable to the genetic diversity of natural stands. This makes the database a valuable tool for seed orchard management and maintaining genetic diversity.
The DNA-database is stored in an open-source database and is publicly available here. The used markers are described in the project report (in Dutch).
This article was originally written by researcher Annelore de Ro (Research Institute for Nature and Forest, Brussels - INBO).