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Establishment of a European Information System on Forest Genetic Resources

Published: 7/12/2009
EUFGIS started its activities to strengthen documentation work in the area of forest genetic resources. EUFGIS is one of the actions supported by the European Commission under the Council Regulation (No 870/2004) on genetic resources in agriculture.

EUFGIS started its activities to strengthen documentation work in the area of forest genetic resources. EUFGIS is one of the actions supported by the European Commission under the Council Regulation (No 870/2004) on genetic resources in agriculture. It is coordinated by Bioversity International and has six other participating partners. The project will run until 30 September 2010.

EUFGIS aims at establishing a Web-based information system to serve as a documentation platform for national FGR inventories and to support practical implementation of gene conservation and sustainable forest management in Europe. The project will create a network of national focal persons in European countries to provide updated data for the information system once it has been established. Before the information system can be developed, the major effort is to harmonize minimum requirements for dynamic gene conservation units of forest trees and develop common information standards for these units at pan-European level. The project will also provide training on FGR documentation to national focal persons.

to read more on EUFGIS, please visit