EUFORGEN ready to launch Phase V
In January 2015, EUFORGEN will commence its fifth phase (2015-2019). The Steering Committee, consisting of National Coordinators from all member countries, reviewed the progress made by the Programme at its 10th meeting held in Edinburgh, United Kingdom on 16-18 June 2014. The Steering Committee also analyzed current and future needs for international cooperation on forest genetic resources in Europe and subsequently endorsed the continuation of EUFORGEN.
During Phase V, EUFORGEN will continue the pan-European implementation of Strasbourg Resolution 2 and other relevant FOREST EUROPE commitments on forest genetic resources. Furthermore, the Programme will contribute to the implementation of relevant decisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Global Plan Action on forest genetic resources adopted by the FAO Conference in 2013. EUFORGEN will operate as before through working groups and workshops but with updated objectives. The Programme will disseminate reliable information on forest genetic resources in Europe, coordinate the conservation of forest genetic resources in Europe, and prepare analyses on topics and issues relevant for the use of forest genetic resources. EUFORGEN will also continue maintaining the EUFGIS information system.
The current member countries have been invited to re-join the next phase and nominate a National Coordinator. Once a ministry or relevant national agency signs the agreement with Bioversity, the country becomes a member of EUFORGEN. Discussions are also underway between the EUFORGEN Secretariat and other FOREST EUROPE signatory countries which have expressed their interest in joining the next phase of the programme.
The report of the 10th meeting of the Steering Committee is <link http: publications publication euforgen-steering-committee-report-of-the-tenth-meeting _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>available here. It provides more detailed information on Phase V, including the budget and the financial contributions of the member countries.