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EUFORGEN’s workplan is shaping up

Published: 30/11/2015
EUFORGEN National Coordinators participating in the 11th Steering Committee meeting in Dublin, Ireland.

During its 11th meeting in November, EUFORGEN’s Steering Committee defined the areas of work for three working groups that will operate during Phase V (2015-2019).

Following up on a priority identified while preparing the proposal for this phase, a small working group will review the Indicator 4.6 (genetic resources) of the pan‐European Criteria and Indicators (C&I) for sustainable forest management and will propose how this indicator could be improved.

The second working group will be tasked to further develop a cascade decision-support tool for genetic conservation of forest trees, building on the recently published study “<link http: publications publication approaches-to-the-conservation-of-forest-genetic-resources-in-europe-in-the-context-of-climate-chang _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Approaches to the conservation of forest genetic resources in Europe in the context of climate change”, prepared by another EUFORGEN working group.

A third working group will embrace the challenging mandate to develop guidelines and decision-support tool for better incorporating genetic aspects into forest management practices, including production and use of forest reproductive material.

A full summary of the meeting will be available in early 2016.