First EUFORGEN Discussion Platform focuses on adapting Genetic Conservation Units to climate change
Climate change is already having a major impact on the environment which in turn can substantially affect Genetic Conservation Units (GCU). Under higher temperatures, drought conditions and unexpected extreme events, GCU can suffer various levels of decline and may no longer guarantee the future adaptive capacities of the forest genetic resources within the target forest tree species.
To engage the scientific community in collective reflection and cross-European exchange on this topic, EUFORGEN organised a Discussion Platform bringing together experts from across the continent. EUFORGEN Discussion Platforms are a new instrument to implement the Programme’s workplan, which is now in its sixth phase. The Discussion Platform on “Adaptation of Genetic Conservation Units to climate change” is the first where such an instrument was put into action to tackle an emerging topic. The event was held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on 18-20 October 2022 and gathered 19 country representatives, nominated by their EUFORGEN member countries.
Three days of interesting presentations and fruitful discussions covered existing knowledge, possible knowledge gaps and research needs. Participants devised recommendations for further actions, along with several proposals on communication and dissemination activities to support the adaptation of the GCUs to climate change.