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FOREST EUROPE Madrid Ministerial Resolution 2: Protection of forests in a changing environment

Published: 22/10/2015

The role of EUFORGEN as an effective instrument of international cooperation was recognised by the seventh FOREST EUROPE ministerial conference in November 2015 with its Resolution Madrid M2 (Protection of forests in a changing environment). By endorsing the resolution, the countries that are signatories of FOREST EUROPE committed to:

“Continue pan-European collaboration on forest genetic resources through the European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (EUFORGEN)”

With the same Resolution M2 countries committed to:

“Promote national implementation of strategies and guide¬lines for dynamic conservation and appropriate use of forest genetic resources under changing climate conditions”

which is an important recognition of the work of EUFORGEN. Basically, the signatory countries committed to implementing the ‘<link http: publications publication pan-european-strategy-for-genetic-conservation-of-forest-trees-and-establishment-of-a-core-network-o _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Pan-European strategy for genetic conservation of forest trees’ and the closely related ‘<link http: publications publication approaches-to-the-conservation-of-forest-genetic-resources-in-europe-in-the-context-of-climate-chang _blank external-link-new-window internal link in current>Approaches to the conservation of forest genetic resources in Europe in the context of climate change’.

EUFORGEN was also cited in the <link file:13024 _blank download file>joint statement delivered by Bioversity, EFI and IUFRO as a successful example of science-policy initiative for enhancing future science-policy-practice dialogue.