Stay up to date with the latest projects focussing on forest genetic resources!
EU-funded projects FORGENIUS and OptFORESTS are contributing to some of the goals in EUFORGEN phase VI. Subscribe now and find out how!
FORGENIUS (Horizon 2020) provides an insight into the diversity of European forests and their resilience to climate change. Using state-of-the-art technology and knowledge in plant and evolutionary biology, ecology, remote-sensing, genomics, genetics, modelling, and forestry, FORGENIUS is upgrading the data on Genetic Conservation Units and creating services for end users, providing the key to invent new, adaptive strategies to preserve European forests at the continental level.
OptFORESTS (Horizon Europe) enhances the value of forest genetic resources and their optimal management to make forests more resilient to climate and environmental challenges. The protection and sustainable management of suitable forest genetic resources of key forest trees with a well-developed nursery sector to support planting and forest restoration efforts will be the long-term mission of the project.