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Watch now the latest EUFORGEN webinar: key topics on forest genetic resources up for debate!

Published: 16/06/2023

EUFORGEN launched a new webinar in June 2023 to encourage public debate on key issues related to forest genetic resources (FGR), bringing together leading scientific experts to address from different angles the following topic: "Estimating Effective Population Size (Ne) for FGR conservation".

Followed by 120 online participants, the EUFORGEN Secretariat brought together three experts in this webinar held on Tuesday 13 June: Sean Hoban (The Morton Arboretum, USA) , Juan Jose Robledo-Arnuncio (ICIFOR-INIA, CSIC, Spain) and Bruno Fady (INRAE, France), who are researchers working with parameters such as estimating effective population size (Ne) for FGR conservation. 

Through their presentations and interaction with the audience, the experts and participants shared scientific arguments on the key role of Ne in the conservation of forest genetic resources, as well as on its accuracy and effectiveness for conservation and its limitations as an indicator of trends in genetic diversity in forest trees. This parameter can provide valuable information for genetic conservation and monitoring, pinpointing forest populations at greatest risk of genetic erosion, fitness decline, maladaptation and, ultimately, demographic decline; however, its estimation using genetic data remains a challenge.

How important is  Ne in the conservation of FGR? How effective can it be as an indicator of forest genetic diversity?

You can watch the recording of the EUFORGEN webinar below:


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