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Side event at the European Forest Week, Rovaniemi, Finland

Published: 27/11/2013

On the occasion of the European Forest Week, Bioversity International and FAO will hold the following side event:

The Global Plan of Action for the Conservation, Sustainable Use and Development of Forest Genetic Resources and its implementation in Europe

Venue: Room Riekko, Hotel Santa Claus, Rovaniemi, Finland
Date & Time: Tuesday 10 December 2013, 16:00-17:30

The Global Plan of Action for forest genetic resources, adopted by the FAO Conference in June 2013, identifies strategic priorities at the national, regional and global levels for strengthening the conservation and use of genetic resources as part of sustainable forest management. The side event will present examples of ongoing work on forest genetic resources at the pan-European and national levels, and discuss how these activities contribute to the implementation of the Global Plan of Action in Europe.

16:00-16:20    Introduction to the Global Plan of Action (Christophe Besacier, FAO)
16:20-16:40    Pan-European collaboration on forest genetic resources (Jarkko Koskela, Bioversity International)
16:40-17:00  Conservation of forest genetic resources in Finland (Mari Rusanen, Finnish Forest Research Institute)
17:00-17:30    Discussion & Conclusions

Further information:
Dr Jarkko Koskela, Coordinator
European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (EUFORGEN)
Bioversity International
Via dei Tre Denari 472/a
00057 Maccarese (Rome), Italy
Tel: +39-06-6118223
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