14th meeting of the EUFORGEN Steering Committee


The organization of this meeting was kindly supported by GenTree project and Administration de la nature et des forêts, Luxembourg.

GenTree project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 676876.

Draft Program of the meeting

Relevant resources

Venue: Hotel Ecluse, Luxembourg

dates: 9-11 April 2019


Travel expenses claim

List of participants

Presentations given during the meeting

Strategic objectives & implementation plan for Phase VI (2020-2024)

Technical And Financial Report For 2018

indicator on genetic resources (4.6) of the pan‐European criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management

Overview on the application of the Rural Development Funds Sub-measure 15.2 ˮSupport for the conservation and promotion of forest genetic resourcesˮ

Ash dieback disease - spread, status and conservation efforts in Europe - Powerpoint

Ash dieback disease - spread, status and conservation efforts in Europe - summary of the survey results

GenRes Bridge



Draft Programme

Draft Agenda

Preparing Phase VI

Draft Strategic objectives and implementation plan for Phase VI (2020-2024)

Draft Activities, Budget and contributions

Implementing Phase V

2018 Technical and Financial report

2018 Communications report

Communications strategy 2018-19


Draft reports of the ongoing working groups

Genetic aspects in production and use of forest reproductive material

Decision support tool for the management of dynamic genetic conservation units + annex

Revision of indicator on genetic resources (4.6) of the pan‐European criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management

Webinars of relevant initiatives recorded in preparation for the meeting

  • 5 Mar: Hojka Kraigher on the LIFEGENMON project - WATCH THE RECORDING (37 min)
  • 6 Mar: Silvio Schueler on the SUSTREE project - WATCH THE RECORDING (35 min)
  • 11 Mar: Bruno Fady 'GenTree - goals, results and benefits for the EUFORGEN community' - WATCH THE RECORDING (25')
  • 12 Mar: Jarkko Koskela ‘Preparation of The Second Report on the State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources’ - WATCH THE RECORDING (20 min)
  • 14 Mar: Katri Himanen ‘Recommendations on forest reproductive material – report of the EUFORGEN working group’ - WATCH THE RECORDING (31 min)
  • 15 Mar: Hans Verkerk on the Atlas of forest management options - WATCH THE RECORDING (30 min)
  • 22 Mar: Chris Kettle on Bioversity’s global work on forest genetic resources - WATCH THE RECORDING (40 min)
  • 26 Mar: Andreas Rudow ‘Decision support tool for GCU management – Additions to the report.’ - WATCH THE RECORDING