
Common beech at Suvobor Mountain, Serbia. Credit: M. Jeremic

National coordinator

Marina Nonić
Univesity of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry
1 Kneza Višeslava
Belgrade, Serbia

Quick Info

Letter of Agreement for Phase VII signed on 01 Feb 2025

Member since 2005 and in 2000-2004 (as Serbia and Montenegro)

Ex situ genetic resources conservation - Discussion platform

Marina Nonić
nominated member for <i>ex situ </i>discussion platform

Univesity of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry

Forest genetic resources - related policies - Discussion platform

Jelena Milovanović
University Singidunum, Study program Environment and Sustainable Development
Marina Nonić
Univesity of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry

Adaptation to climate change

Jelena Milovanović

University Singidunum, Study program Environment and Sustainable Development

Production and use of forest reproductive material

Jovana Devetakovic
Vladan Ivetic
University of Belgrade
Vladan Popović
Insitute of Forestry,

in situ genetic conservation unit
ex situ genetic conservation unit
Map Elements

Focal point

Srdjan Stojnić
Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment

The European Information System on Forest Genetic Resources (EUFGIS) provides geo-referenced and harmonized data on genetic conservation units of forest trees in Europe.

Management of forest genetic resources in Serbia

Serbia has adopted the Forestry Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia in 2006, which includes Biodiversity conservation and enhancement in forest area.

The adoption of Strategy of protection, conservation and enhancement of biodiversity in Serbia is defined as a prior measure to achieve the objective determined in the Forestry Development Strategy (i.e. conservation, appropriate enhancement and the sustainable utilization and evaluation of forest biodiversity). This document will be created in 2010/2011.

As defined in the Forestry Development Strategy, the main interest of Serbia is the conservation and advancement of ecosystems very rich of biological diversity, with about 250 indigenous forest species, 88 wild fruit tree species in 18 genera. Methods of directed use of the gene pool of forest tree species by in situ and ex situ conservation and advanced production of quality forest reproductive material of controlled origin are also defined as one of the main activity.

Further information

Forestry Administration of the Republic of Serbia – Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection

Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment - publications about scientific research of genetic resources (English/Serbian)


EUFORGEN publications