
Picea abies forest in Trysil, Norway. Credit: M.M. Tollefsrud/NIBIO

National coordinator

Tor Myking
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
Pb 115
N-1431 As, Norway

Quick Info

Letter of Agreement for Phase VII signed on 08 Dec 2024

Member since 1994

Ex situ genetic resources conservation - Discussion platform

Irena Fundova
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO)
Thomas Solvin
nominated member for <i>ex situ </i>discussion platform

Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, NIBIO

Forest genetic resources - related policies - Discussion platform

Kjersti Bakkebø Fjellstad
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research

Adaptation to climate change

Dario Isidro Ojeda Alayon

Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research

Production and use of forest reproductive material

Kjersti Bakkebø Fjellstad
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
Tor Myking
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research

in situ genetic conservation unit
ex situ genetic conservation unit
Map Elements

Focal point

Oda Otilie Holltrø Spongsveen

The European Information System on Forest Genetic Resources (EUFGIS) provides geo-referenced and harmonized data on genetic conservation units of forest trees in Europe.

News from the country


Norway launches national plan to conserve and sustainably use genetic resources for food and agriculture

Norway has launched a National Action Plan (2024–2028) to conserve and sustainably use genetic resources for food and agriculture. The plan focuses on strengthening national and international cooperation, sustainable resource use, and increasing seed storage at the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. Key measures include enhancing Nordic collaboration, participating in European and global initiatives, and securing genetic resources for future food production.

The plan aims to ensure food security and sustainable agriculture, emphasising the importance of cooperation with other countries. It will be implemented through existing funding and evaluated mid-term for effectiveness.

Download Norway's National Action Plan 2024-2028 (in English)


Norwegian strategy for securing genetic resources now in English

In 2019 Norway published the first national strategy for conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources of animals, plants and forest trees. The overall goal is to secure the gene pool for future agriculture and food production. The strategy has now been translated to English and can be found here.

The government’s presentation of the strategy is available at Securing the Gene Pool for Future Agriculture and Food Production -

The Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food aims to update the strategy when required, and no later than after five years.

Country report for the FAO First State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources


EUFORGEN publications