
Picea abies Network: Report of the first meeting


The first meeting of the Picea abies Network was held on 15-18 March 1995 in Tatra National Park, Starà Lesnà, Slovakia. Participants presented the current situation related to genetic conservation and resources of Picea abies in each country represented at the meeting. They discussed the objectives of the network and identified research needs. The group developed a workplan and distributed the tasks among the members.  

Authors: ; ; ;
Corporate Author: European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (EUFORGEN)
Publication Year: 1995
Publication Format: 21x29.7 Softcover; PDF
ISBN: 92-9043-256-X
ISBN 13: 978-92-9043-256-2
Language: EN
Pages: 96 p.

Proceedings Picea abies Finland Latvia Lithuania Poland Austria Switzerland Belgium Slovakia Ukraine Norway Denmark Czech Republic