The European Information System on Forest Genetic Resources (EUFGIS) provides geo-referenced and harmonized data on genetic conservation units of forest trees in Europe.
Conservation and utilization of the genetic diversity
Conservation of genetic diversity is done both in situ and ex situ (seed orchards). Though the genetic conservation program, the present genetic resources (diversity) are protected and secured with the purpose of potential future utilisation. Furthermore, conservation of the genetic diversity will ensure the availability of the genetic resources to be utilized for future development of improved genetic material.
The practical utilization of the genetic resources is done through seed sources (seed stands and seed orchards) producing genetic material, an approach which meets the present requirements of owners and society, and which at the same time is capable of adapting to the expected climate change.
Click here to be guided to the best choice of plant species and provenances at a selected location (covering Denmark, in Danish).
Click here for publications concerning genetics and genetic conservation from the former Danida Forest Seed Centre.
Link to the primary collaborating institute at the University of Copenhagen
Forest Management Network: Summary of the fourth meeting
Forest Management Network: Summary of the third meeting
Scattered Broadleaves Network: Summary of the third meeting
Picea abies Network: Report of the first meeting
Scattered Broadleaves Network: Summary of the first meeting