Letter of Agreement for Phase VII signed on 01 Jul 2024
Member in 1994-1999 and from 2023The European Information System on Forest Genetic Resources (EUFGIS) provides geo-referenced and harmonized data on genetic conservation units of forest trees in Europe.
Acer pseudoplatanus (1)
Alnus glutinosa (3)
Betula pendula (1)
Carpinus betulus (2)
Fagus sylvatica (26)
Fagus taurica (1)
Pistacia atlantica (1)
Quercus petraea (1)
Quercus pubescens (1)
Quercus robur (41)
Ulmus glabra (1)
Forest genetic resources conservation activities started in Ukraine since 1912 after creating the first provenance test plot. The plus trees and the plus stands were selected, the clonal archives, the seed orchards and the progeny tests were established as part of tree improvement programs, which have been implemented by Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry and Forest Melioration (URIFFM), Ukrainian Research Institute of Mountain Forestry (URIMF) and Ukrainian Breeding Center since the beginning of 1960s.
Since 1983, a large-scale selection of forest genetic reserves has been carried out on the basis of an inventory of natural forests of the main forest-forming species. In 2000–2005 in the process of implementation of the international project “Genetic resources of broadleaved forest tree species in South-eastern Europe”, the inventory of forest genetic resources of these species was conducted.
By request of FAO Reports “State of forest genetic resources in Ukraine” (2011) and «Ukraine. Monitoring the implementation of the Global Plan of Action for the Conservation, Sustainable Use and Development of Forest Genetic Resources» (2020) were prepared.
During last 10 years, in the course of realization of the programs, which have been coordinated by the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine, the selection and the certification of the new plus trees and the creation of the other FGR conservation units were carried out. 702 genetic reserves of 27 species, 132 plus stands of 12 species, 1938 seed stands of 43 species and 37 clonal archives of 12 species are entered in the state register now. More than 4,7 thousand plus trees of 28 species were selected and about than a thousand plus best trees of 7 species are being tested on 130 progeny test plots. 38 provenance test plots of 14 species were established and forest seed zoning were developed for 10 species.
Picea abies Network: Report of the first meeting
Noble Hardwoods Network: Report of the second meeting
Populus nigra Network: Report of the fifth meeting
Populus nigra Network: Report of the fourth meeting