FAO Unasylva's issue now out: Towards More Resilient and Diverse Planted Forests
The most recent global synthesis on planted forests published by FAO dates from 2009, and the most recent issue of UnaSylva on planted forests dates from 2005. Eighteen years later, the topic is revisited in UnaSylva issue 254, published in November this year and entitled "Towards more resilient and diverse planted forests".
UnaSylva #254 was produced in collaboration with a coalition of external partners, including the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Working Group on Planted Forests and the TreeDivNet network, in response to the need for greater information exchange on the data, tools and approaches available to harness the contribution of planted forests to achieving the Global Forest Objective 1 target of increasing the global forest area by 3% by 2030, as in the United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests 2030.
The recent issue of Unasylva was launched in November 2023 at the International Congress on Planted Forests 2023 (ICPF2023), the first edition of this global forum held in Africa (Nairobi, Kenya).
FAO. 2023. Towards more resilient and diverse planted forests. Unasylva No. 254 – Vol. 74 2023/1. Rome. https://doi.org/10.4060/cc8584en