Present your research in Brazil
Online submission has opened for the XXV IUFRO World Congress, to be held in Curitiba, Brazil from 29 September to 5 October 2019. The deadline for abstract submissions is 31 December 2018.
Several sessions will be of interest to people working on forest genetic resources.
They fall under the theme of 'Forests and Climate Change' (B):
- Session B1c: Managing for adaptation: increasing resistance, resilience, and transformative capacity
- Session B2a: Trees on the move: range shifts, potential for genetic adaptation and assisted migration
- Session B2c: Novel advances in genomics and tree breeding for sustainable forests
and Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Biological Invasions (D):
- Session D2a: Applied genetics for forest management and conservation
- Session D2b:: Conservation, Domestication and breeding of native species
- Session D2c:: Conservation, sustainable management and development of forest genetic resources across their ranges: regional research and collaboration
The session B2a is the only sub-plenary session on genetics and genomics (only four parallel sessions), meaning that a greater audience is expected, while the others are technical sessions (concurring with 15 parallel sessions).
In addition, Section F is devoted to communications, networking and publishing, with a focus on education.
These are just suggestions. Further details on all the IUFRO sessions can be found at
IUFRO organisers welcome abstracts from EUFORGEN community members.
Deadline for submissions is 31 December 2018. You will have to register to submit an abstract, but not pay any fee at this stage.