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Revision of Forest Reproductive Material normative documentation

Published: 19/12/2023

The European Commission (EC) revision for the regulation of the production and marketing of forest reproductive material (FRM) proposes a change for FRM that has provoked debate within the genetic resources community. The proposal, released on 5 July 2023, amends Regulations (EU) 2016/2031 and 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council and repeals the Council Directive 1999/105/EC (Regulation on Forest Reproductive Material).

As outlined by the EC, the proposed normative documentation rests on two key pillars: (i) the harvesting of FRM from registered parent trees (referred to as basic material) to ensure traceability; and (ii) the certification of FRM to guarantee the high quality of seeds. Additionally, the proposed normative documentation aims to facilitate the conservation of endangered forest genetic resources (FGR).

The EUFORGEN Community appreciates that the EC recognises the value of genetic conservation and its commitment to specific conditions.  However, there are diverse realities and needs within national forests, so reaching a consensus on the proposed text is challenging. Despite this, the EUFORGEN community has engaged in dialogue internally and with the EC over the specific attention given to the conservation of FGR in articles 6 and 18.

While unanimity is lacking in most cases, the EUFORGEN community agreed to highlight key concerns and suggestions for modifying articles 6 and 18 of the proposal while recognising the diversity of national specificities. Additionally, EUFORGEN will aid stakeholders in understanding these diverse perspectives and the potential consequences of different choices.

The EUFORGEN Programme remains committed to supporting stakeholders involved in the process, including the European Commission, EU Parliament, Council of the EU, individual countries, and other actors. This support involves facilitating dialogue and assessing possible scenarios, with the ultimate aim of arriving at improved normative documentation that will most effectively support the conservation and sustainable use of FRM and FGR in Europe.