Training for EUFGIS National Focal Points on the redesigned information system for the conservation of forest genetic resources
EUFGIS National Focal Points (NFP) met in Dolenjske Toplice in Slovenia on 12-13 February, for training on the beta version of the redesigned European Information System on Forest Genetic Resources (EUFGIS), as part of the FORGENIUS project and EUFORGEN.
Two full days with presentations and discussions on the redesigned EUFGIS platform focused particularly on the Genetic Conservation Unit (GCU) data produced by the FORGENIUS project and the environmental, phenotypic, genetic, modelled and forest indicators that have been integrated into EUFGIS. The NFP also received instruction on user manuals and online user help and participated in hands on training and a feedback session. The training was organized by SFI, in collaboration with EFI, Luke, INRAE, CREAF and NewtVision.
EUFGIS is the only transnational information system on forest genetic resources (FGR) in Europe. It currently contains information on more than 3500 Genetic Conservation Units (GCUs) of 111 tree species from 35 European countries. Previously, EUFGIS have had only limited climatic and environmental parameters associated with each GCU.
The FORGENIUS project has upgraded EUFGIS to have a totally new interface and adopt new technologies to run the information system and associated services. In FORGENIUS links have been established to the existing pan-European databases on climate and environment, to permit precise and continuously improving characterisation of FGR data in EUFGIS. Furthermore, remote sensing data is now used to characterise GCUs, and genotype and phenotype data will be added for 23 species.
The expanded EUFGIS will become a new tool for national authorities responsible for the management of the network of Genetic Conservation Units (GCUs) in each country, as well as for the wider conservation community.
The EUFGIS Information System will be released to the public and showcased at the FORGENIUS Final Conference, organized in collaboration with the EVOLTREE Conference, from 18-21 November 2025, in Madrid, Spain.