Acer campestre - Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for field maple
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Given the presumed good overall status of the genetic resources and the limited value of field maple, a low-intensity in situ conservation approach is advised.
An efficient conservation programme requires substantial genetic knowledge of the target species. In order to obtain this knowledge, inventories and genetic studies are needed to assess the existing genetic diversity and its distribution. As this information is lacking, several general measures are described below.
With regard to the different ecological conditions within the natural distribution, a network of at least 30 in situ conservation units, each with more than 50 unrelated, flowering and seeddispersing specimens, is needed to capture the existing adaptability. This network should evenly cover the whole distribution area, as well as the ecological variation of the occurrences.
In order to enhance efficiency, the network might include existing conservation areas, seed stands, breeding collections and conservation units of other species (e.g. oak, beech, other noble hardwoods), as long as the management practices and measures do not hinder the conservation of field maple genetic resources.
The marginal regions should also be represented. In the case of endangered, fragmented or small populations, and stands growing under special conditions or carrying unique features, ex situ collections should supplement the network of conservation units. These collections should be established from propagation material obtained within the same ecological region, should be designed to avoid inbreeding and be preferred for use as seed sources.
Maintaining the landscape function of field maple in vineyards could be an efficient approach for on-farm conservation in agricultural areas.
Authors: László Nagy; Fulvio Ducci
EUFORGEN Technical Guidelines for Genetic Conservation and Use
Publication Year: 2004
Publication Format: PDF
ISBN: 92-9043-664-6
ISBN 13: 978-92-9043-664-5
Language: EN
Pages: 6 p.
Technical guidelines Acer campestre