
Malus sylvestris and Pyrus pyraster - Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use for wild apple and pear

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The natural situation of these rare fruit tree species and their occurrence as single individuals or in small groups, restricts the possibilities for implementing in situ conservation strategies. For both species, the establishment of ex situ conservation seed orchards seems to be the most suitable and efficient conservation measure to undertake.

Natural regeneration should be supplemented by planting of seedlings originating from seed orchards. This method extends the genetic base of regeneration, which is important for future adaptability.

Grafting is not difficult and seed orchards can be relatively easily established. A minimum of 50 clones per seed orchard and region should be selected. New breeding populations can be restored when individual specimens, scattered over a large, but ecologically similar area, are collected and planted together in the seed orchard.

Authors: ; ;
Journal/Series: EUFORGEN Technical Guidelines for Genetic Conservation and Use 
Publication Year: 2003
Publication Format: Folder; PDF
ISBN: 92-9043-604-2
ISBN 13: 978-92-9043-604-1
Language: EN
Pages: 6 p.

Technical guidelines Malus sylvestris Pyrus pyraster
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