The European Information System on Forest Genetic Resources (EUFGIS) provides geo-referenced and harmonized data on genetic conservation units of forest trees in Europe.
![]() | France: Preservation and use of the diversity of forest genetic resources to strengthen the adaptability of forests to climate changeFrance has produced a leaflet with a set of recommendations for the preservation and use of forest… |
![]() | IUCN on track to give protected status to forest genetic conservation unitsThe World Conservation Congress, held in Hawai‘i in early September, adopted a motion calling for… |
Since 1989, France has created a national programme for conserving forest tree genetic resources. It is now steered by the National Commission of Forest Genetic Resources (CRGF) which celebrated its 20th anniversary. The CGRF involves central administration, research, public and private forest managers, NGOs. It proposes the national programme's major guidelines and priorities to the Ministry in charge of Forests. Since 2006, this programme is also part of the National Strategy for Biodiversity and it is a flagship activity in the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan.
CRGF (President: F. Lefèvre; Secretary: E. Collin) has three working groups:
Some of the EUFORGEN Technical Guidelines have been translated into French, published Ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation,
You can download them below.
Abies alba (429 KB)
Fagus sylvatica (646 KB)
Picea abies (1.21 MB)
Pinus pinaster (796 KB)
Populus nigra (812 KB)
Quercus robur / petraea (1.85 MB)
Ulmus laevis (625 KB)
French policy and activities for the conservation of FGR - Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of France (French)
French policy and activities for forest reproductive material (FRM) - Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of France (French)
French Strategy for Biodiversity - Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (French) (English)
Those articles include a general presentation of the in situ networks of the CRGF (Valadon & Musch 2007) and papers devoted to specific conservation networks (Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies, Abies alba, Fagus sylvatica and Quercus petraea)
CRGF: 20 ans d'action et nouveaux enjeuxCRGF has produced the proceedings of its 2011 conference for the 20 years of its creation "National Commission on FGR: 20 years of actions and new challenges" / "CRGF: 20 ans d'action et nouveaux enjeux" | Download | |
Preservation and use of the diversity of forest genetic resources to strengthen the adaptability of forests to climate change (in English)Leaflet with recommendations for the preservation and use of forest genetic resources in the context of climate change | Download | |
Preservation and use of the diversity of forest genetic resources to strengthen the adaptability of forests to climate change (in French)Leaflet with recommendations for the preservation and use of forest genetic resources in the context of climate change | Download | |
Effets des interventions sylvicoles sur la diversité génétique des arbres forestiersImpact of silviculture on the genetic diversity of trees (a broad literature review) | Download | |
Peuplier noir en LoireThe black Poplar in the Loire valley | Download | |
L'Orme lisse en LoireLeaflet with recommendations for the preservation and use of forest genetic resources in the context of climate change | Download |
Forest Management Network: Summary of the first meeting
Populus nigra Network: Report of the first meeting
Forest Management Network: Summary of the third meeting
Quercus suber Network: Report of the third and fourth meetings
Populus nigra Network: Report of the third meeting
Populus nigra Network: Report of the fourth meeting
Genetic conservation and management of Quercus suber
Quercus suber Network: Report of the first and second meeting
Populus nigra Network: Report of the fifth meeting
Populus nigra Network: Report of the seventh and eighth meeting
Picea abies Network: Report of the second meeting
Mediterranean Oaks Network: Report of the first meeting