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France: Preservation and use of the diversity of forest genetic resources to strengthen the adaptability of forests to climate change

Published: 11/12/2009
France has produced a four-pages leaflet as a set of recommendations for the preservation and use of forest genetic resources in the context of climate change. Genetic resources cover an area of biodiversity of actual or potential value.

France has produced a leaflet with a set of recommendations for the preservation and use of forest genetic resources in the context of climate change.

Genetic resources cover an area of biodiversity of actual or potential value. In forests, genetic diversity of trees is also a key factor which fosters general biodiversity of the ecosystem and interacts with its functions. The diversity within species is not always easy to observe but it exists between and within populations of trees. Driven by the laws of genetics, it is dynamic, through seed and pollen flows between stands and by selection, be it natural or artificial. In the context of climate change, sustainable long term preservation of this legacy is both supportive and dependent upon the local management of forest.

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