Jönköping, Sweden, 30 June-1 July 2002
20-22 September 2001, Valsaín, Spain and 17-19 October 2002, Kostrzyca, Poland
Publication Year: 2004
Author: Karel Vancura; Bruno Fady; Jarkko Koskela; Csaba Mátyás
22-24 June 2000, Borovets, Bulgaria
Publication Year: 2001
Author: Simone Borelli; Antoine Kremer; Thomas Geburek; Ladislav Paule; Elinor Lipman
4–6 September 1999, Gmunden, Austria and 17-19 May 2001, Blessington, Ireland
Publication Year: 2002
Author: Josef Turok; Gösta Eriksson; Karen Russell; Simone Borelli
Second EUFORGEN Steering Committee meeting, 26-29 November 1998, Vienna, Austria
Publication Year: 2000
Author: Josef Turok; Thomas Geburek
Antalya, Turkey, 12-14 October 2000
Publication Year: 2001
Author: Simone Borelli; Maria Carolina Varela
22-24 March 2000, Brdo/Kranj, Slovenia
Publication Year: 2001
Author: Josef Turok; Csaba Mátyás; Bruno Fady; Simone Borelli
6-8 February, 2000, Isle Sur La Sorgue, France
Publication Year: 2000
Author: Simone Borelli; Sven M. G. de Vries; François Lefèvre; Josef Turok
13-16 June 1998, Sagadi, Estonia
Publication Year: 1999
Author: Josef Turok; Jan Svejgaard Jensen; Christel Palmberg-Lerche; Mari Rusanen; Karen Russell; Sven M. G. de Vries; Elinor Lipman
3-6 June 1999, Birmendsorf, Switzerland
Publication Year: 2000
Author: Josef Turok; Antoine Kremer; Ladislav Paule; Patrick Bonfils; Elinor Lipman