In January 2015, EUFORGEN will commence its fifth phase (2015-2019). The Steering Committee, consisting of National Coordinators from all member…
Climate change and forests have again been vividly discussed topics around the world before and during the 20th Conference of Parties to the UN…
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (EUFORGEN), Bioversity International and the Liaison Unit…
The Nagoya Protocol entered into force on 12 October 2014, following the ratification by 50 countries. It had been agreed in October 2010 in Nagoya,…
This month the European Forest Genetic Resources Programme reaches the mature age of 20 years. To celebrate its anniversary, we have produced a short…
FAO publishes first global study of forest genetic resources
National Coordinators from EUFORGEN member countries gathered to Tallinn, Estonia for the ninth meeting of the Steering Committee on 3-5 December…
On the occasion of the European Forest Week, Bioversity International and FAO will hold the following side event:
The Global Plan of Action for the…
The European Commission (EC) has released a new publication summarizing the achievements of the 17 projects that were implemented in 2006-2011 with…
The draft State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources (SoW-FGR) report was presented by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to the 14th…