The event will take place on 2 May 2024, from 14:00 to 16:00 CEST. Register now for the webinar here.
Genetic diversity is said to be essential for evolution and adaptation, but stone pine is both genetically uniform and widely successful. Maybe it was…
The European Commission (EC) revision for the regulation of the production and marketing of forest reproductive material (FRM) proposes a change for…
The EUFORGEN Steering Committee held the 19th EUFORGEN meeting online from 13-15 December. The virtual event focussed on reporting on EUFORGEN…
Scientists, policy makers and forest stakeholders explored how research on temperate and tropical forest ecosystems might meet the objectives of…
The genetic diversity of our forest tree species is relevant for their adaptation to changing environmental conditions. The conservation and…
Evolutionary processes benefit and must be nurtured in biological production systems and conservation efforts. Creating evolutionary-oriented…
The most recent global synthesis on planted forests published by FAO dates from 2009, and the most recent issue of UnaSylva on planted forests dates…
A new IUFRO's Branching out: the forest podcast episode is out! This time the conversation is about the relationship between biodiversity and other…
A recent paper published in Frontiers in Plant Science studies the phylogeographic distribution of one of the riparian tree species most affected by…